The Hummer Club, AM General Motors, General Motors Corporation, Members, Organization
The Hummer Club, Hummer Organization, Off-Roading, Hummer Enthusiast, Join the Hummer Club
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The Hummer Club FAQ

Q: What's the purpose of The HUMMER Club, Inc.?

A: The overall purpose of the Club is to promote the safe use and enjoyment of HUMMER vehicles (the original HUMMERs, H1s, H2s, H3s and Humvees) in a family-oriented atmosphere; to promote the exchange of information among its members in order to develop or improve understanding of the HUMMER vehicles and their safe use; to seek to enlist members on a national basis and to hold and sponsor events regionally and nationally; to encourage land use that is consistent with the guidelines set forth by the Tread Lightly! organization; to encourage its members to use both vehicles and land resources safely along the guidelines set forth by the United Four Wheel Drive Associations; and equally importantly, to serve as a social and educational entity, encouraging its members to be active in land use advocacy and community service. For more information on this subject, read about the Club's Mission.

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Q: Are there regional and local chapters of The HUMMER Club, Inc.?

A: No, the Club is a national organization, although we do conduct regional and local events throughout the country. However, we do encourage and support the concepts of regional and local organizations that are formed and exist throughout the country. Many of the members of those organizations are also HUMMER Club members and participate in our events. We also provide a method for posting of local or regional events on our web site.  For a listing of regional and local HUMMER organizations, visit our links page.

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Q: What makes The HUMMER Club, Inc., different from the regional and local organizations?

A: The HUMMER Club, Inc., is the only HUMMER organization that is recognized and supported by both AM General and General Motors Corporations. As such, most of our events are supported with technical and maintenance representatives from one or both of those corporations.

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Q: Are there dues or fees associated with membership in The HUMMER Club, Inc.?

A: Yes, there are dues of $85 per year. These are for the 12 consecutive months from the date of joining the Club. The annual dues are subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

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Q: What do the dues provide for me?

A: The annual dues are used to provide for a quarterly magazine, liability insurance for events and the Board of Directors, and administrative support-oriented items, such as membership renewal reminders and our website operations and maintenance. In other words, you get the best HUMMER-oriented magazine and Website in existence (in our opinion), along with some extras not provided for at other events.

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Q: How can I join The HUMMER Club, Inc.?

A: Go to the Membership section of this web site. Read the Membership rules and then either submit an application to join on-line or printout the appliation and mail.

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Q: How do I renew my membership in The HUMMER Club, Inc.?

A: You will be notified by email at 60 and 30 days prior to your Membership expiration date. You can simply renew on-line.

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Q: Can I contribute an article for publication in the Club magazine and, if so, how do I do that?

A: We are always looking for member participation in the submission of articles for the magazine. Contact the Azimuth coordinator member on the Board of Directors by email.  You may send him your article or discuss with him your idea of what you would like to see in the publication.

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Q: Are the articles in the Club magazine edited for with regard to content?

A: Yes, all articles are edited for accuracy and appropriateness for the membership in order to avoid the publishing of erroneous information, personal (rather than factual) information, and libelous statements.

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Q: If articles, including technical ones dealing with the maintenance of HUMMERs, are edited, how will the members obtain information concerning defects or potential problems that might be beneficial to them and reduce the possibility of damage to their vehicles?

A: The Board of Directors of The HUMMER Club, Inc., does not withhold, or cause to be withheld, any factual information that might be relevant to the maintenance of members vehicles or equipment. However the Board has a responsibility to ensure that the information published is factual rather than a personal opinion.

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Q: How is The HUMMER Club, Inc., organized?

A: The HUMMER Club, Inc., is a non-profit mutual benefit corporation organized under the California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law.

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Q: Does The HUMMER Club, Inc., have a set of rules governing the organization?

A: The document governing The HUMMER Club, Inc., is the Bylaws, which provides for the organization of the Club, the election and duties of the Board of Directors, and the general operations of the Club. The Bylaws are posted in the Members Only section of this website. They are available to all Club members.

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Q: Who are the members of the Board of Directors?

A: Go to the section on About The Club for more info on our Board.

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Q: How are the members of the Board of Directors of The HUMMER Club, Inc., elected?

A: The Regular members who are eligible to vote elect the members of the Board of Directors. According to the bylaws, "insofar as possible" the Annual Member Meeting is held at an event. All eligible voting members are mailed a ballot to submit their vote. There are seven directors. Each director serves a two-year term and may be re-elected without term limits. However, in the case of a vacancy on the Board caused by the death, resignation or removal of a director, the vacancy is filled by the selection and appointment by the remaining directors.

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Q: How are the elections of the Board of Directors conducted?

A: The Bylaws of The HUMMER Club, Inc., specify that the election should, "insofar as possible," be conducted at the Annual Member Meeting. That is normally done a Club event each year. The Bylaws are posted in the Members Only section of this website. They are available to all Club members.

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Q: How are the Officers of The HUMMER Club, Inc., elected?

A: Annually, once the election of the members of the Board of Directors has been conducted, the Directors elect the Officers of The HUMMER Club, Inc. The officers come from within the ranks of the directors. The positions of officers are usually decided by mutual agreement of the directors, based upon the qualifications of each director, and then formalized by a vote. For example, a director with a financial or accounting background would be considered for the position of Chief Financial Officer.

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Q: Are any of the Officers or Directors of The HUMMER Club, Inc., compensated from Club funds for their work?

A: No, the Officers or Directors are not compensated from Club funds. They are all volunteers, who provide their efforts and, often, personal resources at no expense to the Club. They are explicitly made aware of this when they become a Director or Officer.

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Q: How often does the Board of Directors meet to discuss the business of The HUMMER Club, Inc.?

A: While the Board meets as often as necessary to conduct relevant business for the Club, the normal schedule is for one official, regularly-scheduled meeting to be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month by conference call.  The agenda normally consists of a review of the financial status, memberships, upcoming events, Azimuth, and the general status of the operation of the Club and discussion of any policy-related items.

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Q: Is a record of the meetings of the Board of Directors available to Club members?

A: They are available to all Club members on request. Contact any Board member or the President of the club.

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Q: Are the financial statements of The HUMMER Club, Inc., available to the Club members?

A: They are available to all Club members on request. Chief Financial Officer.

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Q: Can I buy HUMMER apparel and accessories from The HUMMER Club, Inc.?

A: At present, the Club does not sell apparel or accessories.

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Q: What off-road experience do I need to be a member of The HUMMER Club, Inc.?

A: No experience is required. Our events provide an experience for drivers of all skill levels. Elementary trail selections are offered to teach the fundamentals of both driving and the capabilities of the vehicle, be it an H1, H2, H3 or Humvee.

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Q: How can I volunteer to help with a Club event?

A: Contact a Director or Officer, and let them know that you are interested. They will take it from there.

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Hummer Questions and Answers



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